SpiritStore CATDIG
‘Catherine Street Cultural Dig’ (CATDIG) was selected for ev+a 2010 MATTERS curator Elizabeth Hatz, Swedish architect and academic.
e+va is Ireland’s Biennial of Contemporary Art. Residents and traders from Catherine Street, Limerick city centre collaborated with SpiritStore to host of a full weekend programme of cultural events. Catherine street is the longest street in Limerick cities Georgian grid system. Residents and traders from Catherine Street in Limerick city centre worked with SpiritStore acting as hosts of a full weekend programme of cultural events aimed to excavate the complex strata of this 500 meters. SpiritStore research drew on contextual enquiry, creating an understanding of the economic, social, physical, temporal historic aspects of the street in order to communicate effectively with residents and with contributors. SpiritStore methodologies included conversation and spatial survey, public meetings in private spaces, private meetings in public spaces, observation, detailed technical surveying, mapping, tracing, interviews, photography, video, sound recording. The weekend festival included over 60 cultural workshops, performances, exhibitions, talks and installations on the street, in alleyways and archways, in bars, in drapers dressing rooms, shop entrances and windows, among books, in vacant shops, on Heel bars and in the corners of Off-Licenses. 'The (street) landscape is a work of the mind, another compartment in the cultural baggage we all lug about. The (street) scenery is built up as much from strata of memory as from layers of rock, shaped by the same rich and complex traditions that frame other aspects of our cultural world. Without the proper context (or rather the proper contexts, as our way of seeing changes with the prevailing ideological fashion), we are unable to harvest from a look at the land all that it has to offer'. S Schama. See CATDIG Programme here