Founded by artist Marilyn Lennon in 2009, SpiritStore is a group of diverse practitioners aligned through an interest in the ecologies and spatial practices at play in urban spaces and places. We are artists, designers, educators, musicians, DJ’s, theatre practitioners, butchers, business owners, planners and citizens with a common interest in building new creative frameworks for public exchange. Through participatory projects, we create experiences and situations where encounters critique the everyday practice of living in urban spaces. Our work often offers new entry points and tools for collaboration, co-design, and participation, to gain new insight and initiate change in the places we live.
To date projects have included, the SpiritStore Art Café at the Sarsfield Bar 2009, Packet and Tripe at ev+a 2010 SpiritStore CATDIG at ev+a 2010 and the SpiritStore Poetry Depot in collaboration with Inkstorm 2010-12.